Our services
Foundations Care provides the following suite of services:

Foster Care / Kinship Care
Foundations Care recruit, assess, train and support individuals/couples to become approved foster carers.
Once approved, carers are supported to provide safe and meaningful outcomes for children, young people and families through a commitment to ensuring that the people we work to support can access quality services that are safe, individualised, evidenced-based, informed by contemporary approaches to service delivery, and supported by a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.

Residential Care
Foundations Care provide an out-of-home care option for children and young people with multiple and complex needs.
The residential group home is facilitated by Foundations Care staff and is aimed at actively facilitating healing and recovery from the effects of abuse, neglect and separation from family.

Youth Justice Services
Foundations Care works alongside vulnerable young people at risk of offending.
Whether it be support with transport, housing, education and training, workforce participation, mentoring, alcohol and drug counselling; our innovative programs achieve positive outcomes to help get our clients back on track.
Caseworker Support Scheme
Foundations Care in New South Wales provides Department of Communities and Justice frontline caseworkers with additional support services to meet the needs of vulnerable children and young people in out of home care (OOHC) placements which are managed directly by the Department of Communities and Justice.
These services include: Supervised Transport, Supervised Contact, Mentoring and Daytime Respite.
Premier Youth Initiative - PYI
The Premier’s Youth Initiative (PYI) is a support service based in New South Wales for young people leaving statutory out-of-home care. Its purpose is to support young people who are identified as being vulnerable to experiencing homelessness on exit of care.
The Foundations Care PYI team provide Personal Advisors, Transitional Support and Education & Employment Mentorship to build the long-term capacity and resilience of young people in order to permanently divert them from the homelessness service system.
Alternative Care
Foundations Care in Queensland provides individually created support provisions to children and young people with a focus on providing outcome focused supports for the most vulnerable children and young people in our communities.
Emergency, Short term and long-term supports are provided depending on the individual child and/or young person’s needs.
Providing genuine care & support
Foundations Care puts the needs and wellbeing of children first.
We carefully match children and carers to ensure the placement has the best chance of success. Where possible, we help family and community members take on the care of a child they know.
We’re passionate about empowering people with skills, knowledge and practical support. Foundations Care provides a range of services to support foster carers on their fostering journey, including training, workshops, caseworker meetings and ongoing encouragement.
Make a difference today
We’re always looking for more carers to join the Foundations Care family. If you’d like to find out more about foster caring, our friendly team are ready to answer your questions.