Tell us your story
It’s important to us that your voice is heard. This page is here to help you to tell your story about your experiences being cared for by Foundations Care.
We want to know what we could be doing better to help you. This is a safe place where you can tell us the good and the bad, without any judgement.
If you have any questions about Foundations Care, or want to learn more about your rights, then this page is place where you can get answers.

Making a complaint
Your rights
Kids Help Line

About Foundations Care
Foundations Care coordinates out-of-home care, helping place children in need with trained, committed carers. We arrange foster care and kinship care for children who cannot live with their parents.
Our team recruit, train and support foster carers and their families, ensuring the best care for every child. We’re committed to helping children and young people grow up safe and supported within family, community and culture.
Over the last 20 years, we’ve helped over 300 children, youth and families in locations across New South Wales, Western Australia and Queensland.

Get real support for your foster care journey
At Foundations Care, we truly value our foster carers. If you’re considering becoming a carer, our team is here to support you.
Speak to one of our friendly team members today. We’re here to help and answer any questions.